As the wax from a Nomad Noé candle burns, a story from the past unfolds: a female rebel in the Brazilian army, the Persian “King of Kings,” and the first blind person to circumnavigate the globe, to name a few. Each candle’s corresponding scents transport you to that day and age using wrench perfumes and vegetables waxes – all cruelty free. Founder Corentin Hamon named the brand after Nomad, the New York City neighborhood where it was born, and the word Noé, the French translation of the Babylonian “nukhu.” The latter means to repose and rest, or as we interpret it, kick back, relax, and enjoy the sweet-smelling ride.
“I can’t look at these candles without thinking of people I know - Pioneer, Rebel, Visionary, Dreamer, Poet - and the next gift I’m buying them.” - Jamie Rosen, Wellbeing Editor
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